Heat Angered LeBron By Amnestying Mike Miller

According to Chris Haynes of Cleveland.com, LeBron was angered with Miami for amnestying Mike Miller.

NBA: Utah Jazz at Miami Heat

Mike Miller informed the Northeast Ohio Media Group the reason LeBron started questioning the Miami front office. It wasn’t the fact they weren’t updating the roster with better players, it was how they got rid of Mike Miller. The move to amnesty Miller did not sit well at all with LeBron. Miller had this to say to the Cleveland press:

LeBron thought it was an unnecessary change. I’m not saying I would have been a difference-maker. San Antonio was unbelievable last year and there are a lot of things that go into a season, but it was difficult for LeBron.It was difficult for all of us. It was difficult for me. I had to uproot my family and move again. It was tough. I think he was disappointed because he understands legacies and he understands what he wants to do in life. That’s what makes him special.

Miller may not have been able to push Miami over the hump against San Antonio last season anyway, but LeBron and Miller had a connection that no one really talked about. Mike Miller has been known to be a great teammate around the league and many players love to be on the court with him. He has a knack to get people in the locker room to listen to him and players to be on his side. LeBron even had this to say about his relationship with Mike Miller:

We’re as close as teammates than any I’ve had in my career. I’ve always wanted to play alongside of him. When you go through tough times in an NBA season, you get to know each other even more beyond the game of basketball.

Now that they’re back together in Cleveland, it could be another great season for the two of them this year.

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