Paul George Says It’s “Very Possible” He Will Play This Season

Paul George

Paul George Says It’s “Very Possible” He Will Play This Season

The Indiana Pacers acquired a disabled-player exception for Paul George following his leg injury this summer, which means it’s considered “substantially more likely than not” that he will be able to play through June 15.

It’s believed that George will miss the entire 2014-15 season, but his hopes are high, via Mark Montieth of

It’s very possible that I can play (this season). I’ve talked to all the guys and said, ‘Man, you guys have to get in the playoffs. That’s the best chance I’ve got of coming back and playing this year.’ I’ve already got it in mind that I could miss this whole year. I’m come to peace with that, but I’d love to be able to come back and play again.

George seems to be hopeful while realistic. His team will suffer and struggle without him this season. Now slave to rehabs, recoveries, and possibilities, the likelihood of George actually making his return this season still seems impossible without miraculous progress.

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